jTracer  1.03
Stack trace visualization tool
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
| \Njtracer
|  oNinstaller
|  |oCAboutDialogA dialog that shows an HTML page with project information (version, short description, license, copyright e.t.c) and links to various online project resources
|  |oCAlertUser alert or simple prompt dialog with configurable styles
|  |oCButtonCustom icon-text button with configurable styles
|  |oCMainFrameMain application window frame and process entry point
|  |oCRegistryConfiguration registry
|  |\CTextField
|  oCAboutDialogA dialog that shows an HTML page with project information (version, short description, license, copyright e.t.c) and links to various online project resources
|  oCAlertUser alert or simple prompt dialog with configurable styles
|  oCButtonMultitype button with configurable styles and behaviour
|  oCHighlighterC++ stack trace syntax highlighter
|  oCLogPaneMain application logging pane
|  oCMainFrameMain application window frame and process entry point
|  oCMenuBarMain application menubar equipped with a dynamic UI updating mechanism
|  oCRegistryConfiguration registry
|  oCSessionSession frame
|  oCSessionManager
|  oCStatusBarApplication statusbar with multiple indicators and configurable styles
|  oCToolBarMain application toolbar equipped with a dynamic UI updating mechanism
|  oCTraceBarA bar for various trace details (exception message, timestamp e.t.c) with multiple indicators and configurable styles
|  oCTracePaneRich text pane for trace visualization with syntax highlighting
|  \CTraceToolsSession frame toolbar equipped with a dynamic UI updating mechanism